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TOSD Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, May 8, 2024 - 7PM
Town 'N Country Regional Public Library, 2nd Floor
7606 Paula Drive, Unit 120, Tampa, FL 33615

Twelve Oaks Blvd.The Twelve Oaks Special District Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month at the Town 'N Country Regional Public Library. The event begins at 7:00pm. TOSD meetings are open to all homeowners and residents.

Once approved by the Board, the minutes for the previous meeting and the current treasurer’s report will be available. They also can be downloaded by clicking on the links in the Reports Section below.

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Volunteer NeededVolunteer Needed! Trustees of the Twelve Oaks Special District (TOSD) are committed to helping homeowners know and understand how their tax dollars are allocated. We make information transparent and easy to understand. Homeowner’s property taxes include a specific tax category that goes entirely to Twelve Oaks. The Twelve Oaks Special District, TOSD, administers those funds and has provided the money for major capital improvements. For example, the wall surrounding our subdivision and the entrance signs were funded and are maintained through taxpayers’ taxes administered by the Board of Trustees. TOSD monies are used to maintain all common areas including the entrances and the islands throughout the community, for maintaining the quality of water in the two ponds, for street sweeping, and for making improvements to the community.

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2024 TOSD Officers and Trustees

Officers: Trustees: Registered Agent:
  • Mercita Ramos
    7815 Greenshire Drive
    Tampa, FL 33634
Special Projects Manager:

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Purpose of the TOSD

The Twelve Oaks Special District (TOSD) is a nine-member board of trustees responsible for the maintenance, upkeep, and operation of the entrances, surrounding wall, greenways, traffic islands, and stormwater ponds within the Twelve Oaks District. The TOSD provides funds for capital improvements within Twelve Oaks. The TOSD enhances security within the Neighborhood by hiring the Florida Highway Patrol. The TOSD monitors and represents Twelve Oaks regarding internal and external concerns. These responsibilities are funded by annual tax levies of all residential properties located within the District.

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2022 - Audit

Per The following for a section 218.39, Florida Statutes, special districts with revenues or combined expenditures and expenses exceeding $100,000 must provide for annual financial audit. The most recent audit, conducted for Fiscal Year 2022 can be downloaded at the following link: Twelve Oaks Special District FY 2022 Audit

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Twelve Oaks Special District - Fiscal 2023-24 Budget

The TOSD Board will hold public hearing and review the proposed 2023-24 Budget at the July 14, 2021 meeting. The Budget will be voted on following the hearing.

# of Homes 994  
Proposed Assessment per Home $ 150  
Gross Assessment $ 149,100  
  less County Collection Expense   (4,000)  
Net Revenue from Assessment $ 145,100  
  Maintenance - Contract Services $ 49,930  
  Emergency Repair Expense   40,000  
  New Projects   20,000  
  Maintenance - Stormwater Ponds   8,200  
  Maintenance - Street Sweeping - 3x per year   8,550  
  Maintenance - Utilities   12,000  
    Total Maintenance $ 138,680  
  Security TBD   15,000  
  Neighborhood Watch & Patrols   1,500  
    Total Security $ 16,500  
  Officer Bonding $ 300  
  Printing & Office Supplies   700  
  Postage & Post Office Box   250  
  Department of Community Affairs   175  
  Storage Facility   900  
  State Required Audit   6,100  
  Internal Concerns   3,000  
  Legal Services   1,400  
  Community Donations   500  
  Election Fees   325  
  Special Projects Manager   15,000  
    Total Administration $ 28,650  
Total Proposed Expenses $ 183,830  
Excess (Shortfall) of Revenues over Expenses $ (38,730)  
Excess pull from prior year accumulated funds $ 38,730  

NOTE: All of the above are approximations.

Julie Hirst, Trustee
Treasurer, Twelve Oaks Special District

The TOSD Annual Budget Hearing was held on April 10, 2024. The TOSD Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 can be downloaded at the following link:
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Once approved by the Board, the minutes for the previous meeting and the current treasurer’s report will be available. They also can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.

March 2024
Meeting Minutes Treasurer's Report
February 2024
The February 2024 TOSD Meeting was cancelled due to a lack of a quorum. Treasurer's Report

January 2024
Meeting Minutes Treasurer's Report
December 2023
Meeting Minutes Treasurer's Report
November 2023
Meeting Minutes Treasurer's Report
October 2023
Meeting Minutes Treasurer's Report

September 2023
Meeting Minutes Treasurer's Report
August 2023
Meeting Minutes Treasurer's Report

July 2023
Meeting Minutes Treasurer's Report
June 2023
Meeting Minutes Treasurer's Report

May 2023
Meeting Minutes Treasurer's Report
April 2023
Meeting Minutes Treasurer's Report

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